How to Choose the Right Cat Scratching Post
Did you know that scratching is central to cat health? While not always desirable, the instinct to scratch deserves a place in their routine, lifestyle, and environment. We’re not suggesting cat owners sacrifice their drapes or upholstery. On the contrary, with thoughtfully-placed scratching posts around the house, cats can be encouraged to focus their behavior in certain spots. But choosing the right cat scratching post may be harder than it seems.
Continue…Best Dog Breeds for Florida’s Weather
While we surely see some dog breeds in Florida not particularly suited to our heat and humidity, you’re equally likely to run into certain breeds seemingly built for Florida’s weather. For many different reasons, smaller pets are among the top choices for Floridians, but certain medium and large breed dogs can safely adapt to their conditions.
Continue…Keep Your Cats Hydrated in Summer
Modern domestic cats share a common ancestor. Felis silvestris lybica can be traced to the Near East Neolithic period of the Fertile Crescent, and to the Classical period of ancient Egypt. The dry, warm geographical location of their origin suggests that today’s cats are equally adaptable to hot, desert conditions. Indeed, today’s pet cats have a lower thirst drive than other animals, but they still require adequate daily hydration throughout the year, and especially during the summer months.
Continue…Protecting Your Pet from Fleas, Ticks, and Heartworms
When it comes to parasite prevention in pets, a strong offensive is truly the best method for safeguarding a pet’s health. In Florida’s environment fleas, ticks, and heartworm-carrying mosquitoes are a threat year round, no matter what zip code or neighborhood you live in.
Continue…Health Benefits of Spaying and Neutering Your Furry Family Members
As a pet owner, you’ve likely heard about the importance of spaying and neutering for dogs and cats. These surgeries prevent unwanted litters and help to reduce pet overpopulation. But did you know that there are even more benefits to expect from spaying and neutering pets? Discover some of the health benefits associated with spaying and neutering surgery for cats and dogs:
Continue…Signs and Risks of Dental Problems in Dogs and Cats
No one likes dog breath, and tuna breath isn’t so great either. Dental disease is a real problem for our pets. South Seminole Animal Hospital wants to be sure that you understand dental care for dogs and cats so that you can enjoy them, breath and all.
Continue…How to Help Your Dog Cope with Separation Anxiety
So many dogs suffer from separation anxiety. You are their whole world, and when you leave, it falls apart—even if just for ten minutes. This is not only stressful for the dog, but also you, the owner. Learn how to manage separation anxiety in dogs from your pet experts at South Seminole Animal Hospital.
Continue…Hypothyroidism and Cushing’s Disease in Dogs
The endocrine system is responsible for the production of important hormones that stimulate specific responses all over the body. These hormones help the body function effectively. Any slight deviation can affect the delicate balance of hormone production. Perhaps the most recognizable disease affecting the endocrine system is diabetes mellitus. However, hypothyroidism and Cushing’s disease in dogs are among the most common health conditions facing canines today.
Continue…Warning Signs of UTIs in Cats and Treatment
Going to the bathroom without incident is something many cat owners take for granted. Their cats simply enter their boxes, conduct important business, and hop out afterwards. While their cats may have strong opinions about the litter quality and scooping schedule, their bathroom habits are relatively uneventful. Unfortunately, not all cats experience such relief and satisfaction. Urinary issues in cats are fairly common, and the warning signs of UTIs in cats are worth recognizing and treating.
Continue…The Positive Impact of Pet Wellness Exams
Many health scares can be entirely prevented with routine check-ups. Pet wellness exams also promote day-to-day wellness that improves quality and quantity of life. If you want your pet to enjoy the happiest and healthiest life possible, wellness exams are essential.